Respect Our Game

The DDSL Supports the FAI for the Respect our Game initiative for this weekend 2nd – 4th of February. We ask that you share this post around in order to promote this amongst family and friends for this weekend.🤝

The FAI are planning a big weekend of action for the Respect our Game initiative which was successfully rolled out in October 2023.

This weekend coming, February 2 – February 4, the FAI want to see the Respect our Game initiative in action on the sidelines at every match across the country. For this to happen, we need you to help implement some helpful ways of creating a positive environment on the sidelines with the below.

Silent Side lines- Let the players play and think and learn for themselves.

Positive Side lines- cheering and clapping for both sides, it you haven’t got something nice to say, stay quiet.

Know your roles- let the players play, let the official referee, let the coaches coach, be a spectators and watch in a positive manner

Get Feedback from your players- Let them tell you how the current sidelines make them feel.

Don’t let inappropriate comments, shouting, aggression, physical violence, and laughing at others whilst supporting or coaching a match become the norm! Change it! Challenge it!

When something is left unchallenged, it is viewed as acceptable!

Take positive action now and prepare your club to embrace the Respect our Game initiative this coming weekend and help create a positive environment across the country!

#respect #our #game