LFA Women’s Under 19 Cup Entry Information

Below is the link for the LFA Women’s Under Nineteen Cup, can you please forward to all eligible clubs in your league



Payment will be by bank transfer so the following bank details also need to be forwarded. Clubs must ensure that the name of the club is referenced on the payment


Name of Account: Leinster Football Association  

Bank Name: Bank Of Ireland    

Branch: O Connell St, Dublin 1

IBAN: IE67 BOFI 900033 35668377



Closing date is September 30th and entry fee is €30

Dates for the competition are below and as outlined in a previous email, these dates will be adhered to with no free weekends given so please be aware of that before entering the competition


27/10/2024                  LFA Women’s Under Nineteen Cup First Round

17/11/2024                  LFA Under Nineteen Cup Second Round

12/01/2025                  LFA Under Nineteen Cup Third Round

26/01/2025                  LFA Women’s Under Nineteen Cup Quarter Final

23/02/2025                  LFA Women’s Under Nineteen Cup Semi Final

23/03/2025                  LFA Women’s Under Nineteen Final