On behalf of everyone in the DDSL ,we welcome and thank you for assisting us for the coming season, it is appreciated.
As promised from our recent meeting ,we attach the rules of the ddsl for the coming season.
We have added to our website (under Downloads) match cards, red card reports, rules etc. should you require these. We will ask clubs to print off all match cards but suggest
you carry a few with you. We will also upload our presentation and the FAI ‘Racism’ Presentation over the next week or two as well.
We have also clarified fees with FAI as asked and detail of these are on the web as well as attached.
We have also attached a copy of matchday routines which we are operating as part of a whole ‘’Respect/Lets the kids play’’ campaign which
will launch mid-September. We will give you more information as that evolves.
With results, we ask that all results are updated and sent back with picture of match card via the APP or to results@ddsl.ie at latest on Sunday evening each week.
One final Matter – we are asking all referees to ensure their info is correct on our system/App and would appreciate you populate the information in full especially availability and in particular location tab (which identifies area you live in) as this will assist in us allocating games for you. Link is https://ddsl.sportsmanager.ie/referee/login.php
It is also very important referees accept/reject fixtures with 48 hours to the league (By Tuesday 10am) once published. Any games not accepted/rejected after that period will be reallocated .
We hope we have covered everything and should you have any queries please mail referees@ddsl.ie