DDSL Referee Month Promo

DDSL Referee Promo

As part of the current Referee drive, and to assist those on their pathway to becoming a referee within the DDSL. We want to give back to you

The DDSL will refund any DDSL club who provides people who attend these refs courses and Refs for the DDSL after completion.

(Refunds will be issued to qualifying people in April.)


With more referees we can get more games on weekly & help educate those who wish to make their pathway to being a referee. We are looking for clubs to help here, Please share within your clubs 🤝

Dublin (Balbriggan) Referee Beginners Course – 10th & 17th February (7-10pm)

Dublin (Knocklyon) Referee Beginners Course – 15th February (10-4pm)

Dublin (Clondalkin) Referee Beginners Course – 17th February (10-4pm)

Dublin (Ballymun) Referee Beginners Course – 22nd February (10-4pm)

Dublin (Leicester Celtic) Referee Beginners Course – 23rd February (10-4pm)

To sign up for any of the above courses click on

Have your say! – DDSL Survey for all

The Dublin & District Schoolboys/girls League (DDSL) along with our strategic partners S3 Solutions are beginning the process of developing a strategy for the future development of the league and indeed football in the capital.

Part of this process involves completing the largest survey (of all stakeholders) undertaken in Ireland in relation to every part of our game. Everyone’s view and opinions are very important, and the aim is to get as many people involved in clubs and our game, past and present to feedback as part of the process which will influence the game going forward.

With the impending FAI player pathway proposals, it is important that every stakeholder can have their say and input, So please complete, if possible, Today !

There are various surveys for Players, Coaches, Volunteers, Referees, Parents and Past Players.

The information we receive will contribute towards the future direction of the league for the next five years. Please ask every stakeholder in your club (past and present) and the game to complete the survey.

The information will help determine the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the DDSL and its stakeholders which will form part of our strategy going forward.

The survey will open for two (2) weeks and thank you in advance for your contribution.



DDSL Player Online Survey


DDSL Parents Online Survey


 DDSL Past Players Online Survey


DDSL Club Volunteer Online Survey


We are asking you as a club to issue this mail to all your Club Members, Volunteers, Parents, and Players (Current & Past) over the next 2 or 3 days and share on all media channels .This will be the largest survey ever carried out in Irish football, and we hope to get the views of every stakeholder to formulate a strategy the meets the needs of every child and stakeholder in the future.

Yours in Sport

On behalf of everyone in the

Dublin & District Schoolboys/girls League


New Partnership – DBS Sports Tours

We are delighted to announce that DBS Sports Tours is now the Official Travel Partner for the DDSL

Together, We’ll deliver exclusive training, resources and amazing experiences for young players throughout the league.

DDSL Chairman Niall O’Driscoll: “We are delighted to partner with DB Tours one of Irelands top travel & bonded companies. The partnership will deliver support and expertise for our clubs to cater for the ever-increasing demand by DDSL teams looking to enhance the footballing experience of young players. The priority of safety, well organised and quality options at affordable costs provided by DB Tours will no doubt serve our clubs, parents and more importantly players over the coming years.’’

DB Sports Managing Director; “We have been dedicated to grassroots football in Ireland for over 14 years, and partnering with such a prestigious league is a true honour. We hope this collaboration will create new opportunities for all DDSL members. We look forward to organising your unforgettable team tour that will be talked about for years to come.”


Create emails quickly with structures


DDSL X FAI Cup (Womens/Mens) Finals Offer

Clubs/Schools offer for the upcoming FAI Cup Finals, see links below:

Sports Direct Women’s FAI Cup Final, Athlone Town AFC v Shelbourne FC, Tallaght Stadium, Sunday October 20th:


Sports Direct Men’s FAI Cup Final, Aviva Stadium, Sunday November 10th:


DDSL Club Secretaries Meeting NEW DATE

Please note the DDSL Club Secretaries Meeting scheduled for next Thursday 10th October has been cancelled due to the Men’s Nations League Irish International fixture Finland v Ireland. This was an oversight on our part & thanks to Elaine Harrington Peamount Utd for bringing it to our attention during the week. Apologies for the oversight & looking forward to a Win on Thursday.


Details of the re-scheduled meeting is as follows:

DDSL Club Secretaries Meeting


Please note the next DDSL Club Secretaries meeting will now take place as follows:


  • Date:  Thursday 24th October 2024


  • Time: 7.15pm to 9.15pm


  • Venue:  National Sports Campus Conference Room (Beside FAI H/O)


  • All clubs are required to provide a representative in the absence of their secretary.


See you all on Thursday 24th October 2024 & once again apologies for any inconvenience.


Important Notice – Club Secretaries

Dear Secretary,

We are writing to inform all clubs that the DDSL Disciplinary Unit has issued several sanctions to clubs following red cards issued to unregistered players over the last few weeks.

See details of the sanctions below.

Please note that following issuance of a red card sanction in the above game which has highlighted the player concerned is unregistered and was ineligible to play , the Disciplinary Committee has issued the following decision.

Fine: €100.00 to the Club.

Sanction; loss of Match with 3 points awarded to opposition and a further 6 points deduction.

The Disciplinary Committee, having considered the match delegate’s report and all other information available to them, finds a breach of Rule Section 2 , Sub section 1, Rule 1.1, Rule 1.3 and Rule 5.1  of the current DDSL rule book issued in August 2024 and sanctions your Club/Individual  with the above referenced fine and or sanction.



Please be advised that the league is carrying out checks on player registration, Panel /Player placements and the number of players allocated to panels over the next two weeks to ensure

the compliance, integrity of the rules and competitions.

Thanking you for your co-operation in this regard.


All Players must be approved to play in the DDSL each season for their club via our registration portal on the DDSL website.

As of 5pm Friday 6th September , with over 33,000 applications received ,Players born 2007 to 2012 are all approved by our team.

665 applications have been rejected for ‘’needs more information ‘’are not eligible until

actioned by the parent and approved by the league.


With all players due to play next weekend it is recommended that all players complete registration

by Wednesday 11th to allow time for approvals to be processed as we are expecting a further 15,000 registrations.

We would remind everyone to follow the correct ID/Photo requirements to ensure approval happens and your child can play.

Please refer to help on the web and videos etc to ensure smooth registrations.

We have dealt with over 1000 rejected photos,400 no ID’s and 30 forged ID’s. Which results in duplicate work for our team.

Thank you to all involved especially our approvals team who are putting in long hours to ensure your child can play!

DDSL Rule Book Season 2024/25

DDSL Rule Book Season 2024/25

The rule book was passed at the football AGM of clubs on 12th August 2024.

All clubs should read and understand the many changes in operation for the coming season.


We ask all to club to ensure all managers/Coaches are familiar with the rules.


Only contact from/via club secretaries/approved fixture secretaries will be accepted by the league

through the appropriate channels this season as per rules.


The league is reviewing some competition minute rules and will be in touch with clubs in due course

DDSL Rule Book 2024-2025 Season D3


Important Notice to all Clubs

Dear Club Secretary,


As you can appreciate the League activity is full on now with the main objective of getting teams up and running.


We have no doubt clubs are feeling the same pressures and workloads.


  • We have now over 3,500 teams registered to play which is a challenge!
  • This includes almost 800 girl’s teams with over 12,000 players.


We need your assistance in communications within your club on a few matters.


    1. Communications to the league will only be accepted by the club Secretaries.(not coaches/managers/parents)
  • Any queries from clubs will only be accepted via in relation to formations etc.
  • Player’s registrations are open with almost 10,000 players registered and clubs should ensure players are registered at least 3 days before their first game to allow clubs allocate them to panels.
  • Clubs need to refer to DDSL website for information and notices currently at this time.
  • Important for clubs to communicate to all parents that most information that they need is on the DDSL website .


Please note feedback for draft leagues(u13 to 18) is now closed with fixture secretaries working on finalised divisions and fixtures.


We will be issuing drafts for U12’s and younger this week closing on Sunday for feedback from club secretaries. Feedback will only be accepted


Also reminding chubs of start dates are :

All 17s & 18s – Boys and Girls:                                                                                  Weekend of Friday 30th August to Sunday 1stSept 2024

U13s to U16’s…Boys and Girls…including Girls u13…9-a-side Divisions:        Sat 7th & Sun 8thSept 2024

All SSG Games & u12’s …Boys and Girls:                                                                Sat 14th& Sun 15th Sept 2024


  • No cancellations will be permitted as per 24/25 rules.
    • Please also note games will take place on bank holiday weekends apart from Easter 2025 with the emphasis on keeping the teams playing at all times where possible.
  • Cup finals weekend has been set for the weekend of 2nd/5th May 2024.

Please see attached important DDSL CLUB Information along DDSL contact details.


Thank you for your patience at this time and appreciate your support in getting started for the coming season.


Mick Kennedy

General Manager




U13 – U16 Draft League Information

Dear Secretaries.

The divisions for the under 13s – 16s  (boys & girls) are now available on the website for viewing.

Please review ASAP, should you have any queries please send them to the following email address only 

Ensure you include in your email all and any relevant information for your request, to allow the FSMT to make a final decision if a change will be permitted – please note all requests MUST be submitted by close of business 5pm on Saturday 17th August 2024.



U17/18 league drafts now Completed