DDSL Education Update


🔗Online Referee Beginners Course – 15th/16th January 2024 (7-10pm) – FULL

🔗Online Referee Beginners Course – 30th/31st January 2024 (7-10pm)17PLACES LEFT

🔗Online Referee Beginners Course – 26th/27th February 2024 (7-10pm) – 28PLACES LEFT


U7/U8/U9 Boys/Girls Seminar:

As you are aware, we organise an update session for the above Boys/Girls Divisions early in the 2nd half of the season. This is to allow the new u7’s Divisions/managers/coaches & u8/9 managers/coaches to attend a session covering the ‘Rules/Guidelines for the 5v5; the Different Divisions; Code of Conduct for Manager/coaches/parents & any questions.

As there should be a big turnout, we have divided the sessions into two grouping:

7pm to 8.15pm

8.15pm to 9.15pm

In FAI H/O Conference room on Thursday 18th January 2024.


Please forward to all your u7/u8/u9 managers/coaches Boys/Girls & forward an e-mail to to register your manager/coaches for the course.  Please also indicate what time session suits.

Racism/ Discrimination: This Webinar will be compulsory for Club Secretaries/Child Welfare Officers.

The DDSL, FAI and the educational project show racism the red card will be organising a series of anti – racism/non discrimination educational sessions.

These sessions are designed to be interactive and cover key issues related to understanding racism, its reporting and management.

As our numbers are large there will be twosessions & these will be presented by Des Tomlinson FAIIntercultural Programme National Coordinator & Valeria Aquino from the Immigrant Council.

 Session 1 is with Club Secretaries & child welfare officers on the Monday 22nd of January 2024, 7pm – 8:30pm (90 mins). Max 50 people

 Session 2 is with Club Secretaries & child welfare officers on Monday 12th of February 2024, 7pm – 8:30pm (90 mins). Max 50 people

Session 3 is with Club coaches : Session TBC

Please see below the ‘Links’ to register for the different days on 22nd January & 12thFebruary 2024. There will be a maximum of 50 people allowed on each ssession.

As the issues of Racism/ Discrimination are on the increase within the League, This Webinar will be compulsory for Club Secrearties/Child Welfare Officers. If the courses fill up quickly, we will organise another course as well as arranging a separate course for Referees. Therefore, please register early as these types of courses are in demand as clubs want to be in a position to address these issues & these courses will allow them to do so.

All clubs must be represented.

Please registered directly for either date by e-mail directly to our Admin team at



Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 363 067 292 079
Passcode: BPxyMz

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Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 315 942 160 916
Passcode: So5hCc

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Or call in (audio only)

+353 1 566 1005,,956548100#   Ireland, Dublin

Phone Conference ID: 956 548 100#

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Referee Courses

Please see below the new upcoming ‘Referee Courses’ to be run by the FAI.

As you are aware, we are very short of Referees & it would be great if you can forward to as many people/coaches/players as possible to ensure we have more Refs to call on.

Please forward the ‘Links’ below & let us know if you have many potential ‘Referees’ looking to register for the courses below.

  • Online Referee Beginners Course – 30th/31st January 2024 (7-10pm)
  • Online Referee Beginners Course – 26th/27th February 2024 (7-10pm)
  • Online Referee Beginners Course – 11th/ 12th March 2024 (7-10pm)
  • Online Referee Beginners Course – 27th/ 28th March 2024 (7-10pm)

For more information and to signup click

Happy New Year

All at the DDSL wish you all a Very Happy New Year

We look forward to more brilliant football from all the teams coaches & players in 2024

2024 Information & Updates

Just a brief update on the following for 2024:


As you are aware, the re-grading for u8’s to u11’ Boys & all Girls Divisions are currently been processed. We received up to 800 Surveys so thank you to all for forwarding them on.

The U11 Boys and all Girls ‘Draft Divisions’are now complete & are available to view. The u8’s/u9’s/u10’s Boys re-grading are currently been processed & will be completed over the next week & once complete, we will let clubs know the ‘Re-Graded Divisions’ are available under your ‘Club’ on Sportlomo.  For all re-graded Divisions, clubs have until SUNDAY 7th Jan 2024 at 6pm to submit any requests for changes e.g. In case you are missing a team etc. For those requests, you must only contact the relevant DDSL Fixture Secretaries who will agree/disagree to any changes/additions. For the Divisions already re-graded….u11 Boys Please contact Conor Wakely & for all the Girls Divisions, please contact Zoe Poole. See attached list of DDSL Fix Sec.


Please note that any new teams must be registered as normal. This ‘Portal’ will be opened in early Jan 2024 for registration however please e-mail the relevant DDSL Fixture Secretaries with any new teams so they can be included in the Re-grading for Boys U8’s to U11’s Boys & all Girls Divisions. The fee for new teams for the 2nd half of the season will be 50% of the full fee but players must pay the Euro 30.00 upon registration.

All players playing in the DDSL must be registered & fee paid otherwise they are not permitted to play & their insurance will not be valid.


As you are aware there will be a new u7 League for Boys & Girls beginning in earlier February 2024. The new ‘Portal’ for u7’s will be available from earlier January 2024. In the meantime, all new teams must be forwarded to killian.travers.fixsec@ddsl.iefor the Boys & for the Girls. There will be ‘No Fees’ for the new u7’s teams or the new players. However, the players must register on Sportlomo as this will be required for Insurance purposes.


The FAI have confirmed the ‘Re-Registration Dates’ for all DDSL Players looking to move clubs will be from the 1st Jan 2024 to the 28th Jan 2024. The procedure for the ‘Re-Registration /Transfer’ for the players is for the club where the player is due to move to …to follow the guidance below.

  • The club must e-mail to confirm they are happy to accept the new player. Please include the players details i.e.NAME/DOB/MEMBERSHIP NUMBER FROM SPORTLOMO SYSTEM/CURRENT CLUB.  
  • The club must also include the players ‘Current Club’ in the e-mail to the Club Secretary so they are aware of the player leaving their club.
  • For the ‘Current Clubs’ if clubs have any issues with the ‘Re-Registering of their players….they have 7 days to advise DDSL of their objections. But once we receive a re-registration e-mail from the club accepting the new player, the player will be entitled to play for their new club after 24 hrs of the registration been received.
  • Players must be registered at least 24 hours before the kick off time of the first game he/she will play for the new team & only registered to play from the 1st Jan 2024
  • Once the Re-Registration of the player is received by the DDSL, it will be recorded & processed by ADMIN DDSL & Sportlomo from the 1st Jan 2024.


The draw for the BOYS/GIRLS 32 Draw’ for SFAI CUPS/TROPHY took place on 22ndDec 2023 & the fixtures should now be up on the SFAI Web Site.

We still have a number of SFAI O/S games but there are some games which may have taken place & we do not have these results. If there are any O/S SFAI please e-mail them ASAP to & copy me at so we can update our Cups & notify the SFAI


Any O/S League results or incorrect results, please e-mail them to so everything will be in order for the 2nd half of the season.


The Dec edition of the DDSL ‘Monthly Newsletter’ was forwarded to all clubs & is now also on the DDSL New Updated Web page. Worth having a look at the new DDSL Web Site as it looks very well & has a lot of important information included.

On behalf of all in the DDSL Happy New Year & enjoy the break.

Happy Christmas

All at the DDSL wish you all a Happy Christmas & Happy New Year

We look forward to another brilliant year of football in 2024 ⚽️


Club, Coach, Volunteer Survey


Hope all is well. I am looking to find out as much information about you as coaches, volunteers, teams and clubs to support the development of the DDSL and everyone involved in it. I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this process. Please see below Survey Link. Can you take the time to complete this survey, forward it to your contacts in the club and ask them to complete the survey. The more information we get back enables us to make informed decisions about the league in the future. Really appreciate your effort with this and look forward to getting your thoughts. Any questions feel free to contact me. Thanks

FAI Referee courses available

Hi All,

Further to recent e-mails in relation to increasing the number of Refs allocated to the DDSL, we list again below the different FAI Referee Courses available. Already the first course is booked up.

See the remaining dates available & what spaces are left.

Please advise all your coaches/players/members

Please book early & advise you are from the DDSL.

We also hope to run a DDSL/FAI Ref course in the new year but as these book out early…please enrol below so you at least get on a ref course.


Online Referee Beginners Course – 11th /12th December 2023 (7-10pm) – FULL

Online Referee Beginners Course – 15th/16th January 2024 (7-10pm) – 10 PLACES LEFT

Online Referee Beginners Course – 30th/31st January 2024 (7-10pm) -25 PLACES LEFT

Online Referee Beginners Course – 26th/27th February 2024 (7-10pm) – 29 PLACES LEFT

Christmas closing dates for the DDSL!

The 4 Dublin Councils…they have agreed to close pitches from Mon 18/12 & open Mon 15/01

Therefore, Last fixtures for SSG close will be/Sun 10th/11th Dec & u12 upwards will be 17th/18th Dec.

All fixtures are planned to return on SAT/SUN 20th/21st Jan 2024.

Some backlogged cup games may happen during the break and the league encourage games where possible should facilities be available.

Please liaise directly with fixtures secretaries.

Survey Reminder

For those teams who have not yet submitted their ‘Survey Report’ The ‘Link for Survey Monkeys is listed below.

To date we have received 475 surveys across ages u8 to u11…Boys/Girls.

Please note that those teams who do not return their Survey Report can’t go back to the ‘Relevant DDSL Fixture’ Sec complaining or looking to change Divisions …once issued for the 2nd half of the season……if they haven’t provided the ‘Relevant DDSL Fix Secretaries’ with their survey & updated information.

Results returned for any u11’s will also assist the fixture Secretaries in allocating the teams to the correct Divisions to ensure the standard is similar in all Divisions.

Closing date for ‘Survey returns’ is next Monday 4th December at 10pm. This will give time to the DDSL Fix Secretaries to re-grade the different teams/divisions.